inevitable adj. 1.不可避免的,不可逃避的;必然的。 2.合情合理的,逼真的。 3.〔口语〕照例的,照常的。 the inevitable hour 死期。 With his inevitable camera 照常带着照相机。 The inevitable 必然的事情,不可避免的命运。 -bility, -ness n.,-bly adv.
Modernization is an inevitable process in all countries and areas in the world 现代化是当今世界所有的国家或地区发展的必然趋势。
As a result of population growth and expanding economic activities , particularly those activities requiring more extensive use of land , taking up of land in the rural area is an inevitable process 在人口增长及经济活动频繁的影响下(尤以需要广泛用地的项目为甚) ,乡郊地方难免被开发运用。
And it is also held that cultural changes are the natural result when two heterogeneous cultures come into contacts , which is believed as an inevitable process in the time or through time and as a complex process , too 文化变迁是两个异质文化长期接触的必然结果,它是一个历时的过程,也是一个复杂的过程。
As an inevitable process of the development of social productivity and an important companion of the economic growth and social activities , urbanization has a vital influence on the development of social economy 城市化作为社会生产力发展的必然结果,作为经济增长和社会活动的重要伴生物,对经济社会的发展有重要的影响作用。
Pdm is an inevitable process for an enterprise to be an information industry . it is not exaggerated that pdm will be the basic configuration in an enterprise in the future . in that time , the software for pdm will surely be perfect , with high quality and can fit for kinds of enterprises Pdm是企业通向信息化的必经之路,可以毫不夸张的说,未来的pdm将是企业的最低软件配置,当然,那个时候的pdm软件将非常的成熟,有很高的性能,能适应各种规模的企业。
From the way of morals we can see that there does exist advantages and disadvantages in the development of science , we should not be optimistic blindly ; from the way of history , the development of science is a phenomenon accompanied with the development and advance of human society , an inevitable process in history 从道德角度看,科学的发展确实既有利也有弊,人们不应盲目乐观;从历史角度看,科学的发展是人类社会发展进步的伴生现象,是一个充满客观必然性的、不可避免的历史过程。