
an inevitable process中文是什么意思

  • 必有的过程



  • 例句与用法
  • Modernization is an inevitable process in all countries and areas in the world
  • As a result of population growth and expanding economic activities , particularly those activities requiring more extensive use of land , taking up of land in the rural area is an inevitable process
    在人口增长及经济活动频繁的影响下(尤以需要广泛用地的项目为甚) ,乡郊地方难免被开发运用。
  • And it is also held that cultural changes are the natural result when two heterogeneous cultures come into contacts , which is believed as an inevitable process in the time or through time and as a complex process , too
  • As an inevitable process of the development of social productivity and an important companion of the economic growth and social activities , urbanization has a vital influence on the development of social economy
  • Pdm is an inevitable process for an enterprise to be an information industry . it is not exaggerated that pdm will be the basic configuration in an enterprise in the future . in that time , the software for pdm will surely be perfect , with high quality and can fit for kinds of enterprises
  • From the way of morals we can see that there does exist advantages and disadvantages in the development of science , we should not be optimistic blindly ; from the way of history , the development of science is a phenomenon accompanied with the development and advance of human society , an inevitable process in history
  • 推荐英语阅读
an inevitable process的中文翻译,an inevitable process是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译an inevitable process,an inevitable process的中文意思,an inevitable process的中文an inevitable process in Chinesean inevitable process的中文an inevitable process怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
